compiled by Simon Taylor
Please contact the webmaster if you think there are any omissions to this list.
For Carrick district of Ayrshire, see Galloway.
Ansell, Michael, 2008, ‘Carsphairn and Dalmellington Re-visited’, Journal of Scottish Name Studies 2, 1–10.
Clancy, Thomas Owen, 2008, Two Ayrshire Place-names, Journal of Scottish Name Studies 2, 99–114 [Pulprestwic and Trearne]
Clancy, Thomas Owen, 2011, ‘At St Meddan’s Convenience: Names of Troon and Environs’, Scottish Place-Name News 31 (Autumn), 11-14. [Available online on the SPNS website via this link:]
Close, Rob, 2001, The Street Names of Ayr (Ayr: Ayrshire Archaeological and Natural History Society).
Grant, Alison, 2005, ‘The Origin of the Ayrshire Bý Names’, in Cultural Contacts in the North Atlantic Region: The Evidence of Names, edd. Peder Gammeltoft, Carole Hough and Doreen Waugh [Shetland], 127–40.
Márkus, Gilbert, 2009, ‘Balinclog: A Lost Parish in Ayrshire’ Journal of Scottish Name Studies 3, 47–64.
Nicolaisen, W. F. H., 1963, ‘Notes and Comments on Scottish Place-Names: 21 Kilwinning’, Scottish Studies 7, 198-201.
Taylor, Simon, 2004, ‘Scandinavians in central Scotland: bý-place-names and their context’, in Sagas, Saints and Settlements, edd. Gareth Williams and Paul Bibire (Leiden, Netherlands), 125-45.
Taylor, Simon, 2009, ‘Ayrshire Place-Names: a rich seam still to mine’, Ayrshire Notes 38 (Autumn 2009), 4–18 [with an attempt at a complete bibliography of articles on individual Ayrshire place-names].