Cultural Contacts Fund
The proceedings of a conference held in Shetland in April 2003 by the Nordic Cooperative Committee for Onomastic Research (NORNA), the Scottish Place-Name Society (SPNS) and the Society for Name Studies in Britain and Ireland (SNSBI) were published as:
Cultural Contacts in the North Atlantic Region: The Evidence of Names, edited by Peder Gammeltoft, Carole Hough and Doreen Waugh (Lerwick, 2005; ISBN 0-9551838-0-4)

The volume is available at £10.00 per copy, plus £2.50 postage and packing (UK only). Please contact for more information.
Profits from the sale of the volume are used to fund grants of up to £200 to enable students of onomastics to attend conferences. The grants are administered by a small steering committee representing the three societies. Students who wish to apply should contact the convener of the committee by email at
Applications should be made at least two months before the conference is scheduled to take place, and should include the following information:
- Student’s name, contact details, institution and degree programme
- Name and contact details of Supervisor or Director of Studies
- Conference title, organising body, date and location
- Title of paper or poster to be presented (if applicable)
- Approximate costs (travel, registration, accommodation etc.)
A decision will normally be made within six weeks.