compiled by Simon Taylor
Please contact the webmaster if you think there are any omissions to this list.
Grannd, Dàibhidh MacGriogar, 2022, ‘Hill-Terms in the Place-Names of Berwickshire’, PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Johnston, J.B., 1940, The Place-Names of Berwickshire (The Place-Names of Scotland Series, No.1, published by the RSGS, Edinburgh).
Taylor, Simon, 2023, ‘From kestrels to foul marshes: light on a parish in the Merse c.1200’, in ‘With Our Backs to the Ocean’: Land, Lordship and Environmental Change in the North-West European Past. Essays in Memory of Alasdair Ross, ed. Richard Oram (Brepols: Turnhout, Belgium), 183-202.
Taylor, Simon, and Williamson, Eila, with Carole Hough, forthcoming [as of 2023], The Place-Names of Berwickshire Vol. 1 (The Border Parishes) (Shaun Tyas: Donington).