

compiled by Simon Taylor

Please contact the webmaster if you think there are any omissions to this list.


reeze, Andrew, 2011, ‘Durham, Caithness, and Armes Prydein’, Northern History XLVIII: 1, 147–52.

MacIlleathain, Ruaraidh, nd, Gaelic and Norse in the Landscape: Place names in Caithness and Sutherland/A’ Ghàidhlig is Lochlannais air Aghaidh na Tìre: Ainmean-àite ann an Gallaibh, Cataibh is Dùthaich MhicAoidh, Scottish Natural Heritage (bilingual Gaelic and English, with a guide to the Gaelic pronunciation of each name discussed).

Foster, Ryan, 2022, ‘Norse Shielings in Caithness: “A Perverse Distribution”’, in Islands of Place and Space: A Festschrift in Honour of Arne Kruse, ed. Christian Cooijmans (Scottish Society for Northern Studies: Edinburgh), 140-76.

McLean, Roddy, 2023, ‘The Flow Country – Land of the Gael’, available online via on Scotland’s Nature via the following links: English Version / Gaelic Version.

Waugh, D., 1993, ‘Caithness: An Onomastic Frontier Zone’, The Viking Age in Caithness, Orkney and the North Atlantic, eds. C. Batey, J. Jesch and C.D Morris (reprinted in paperback 1995).

Waugh, D., 1985, ‘The Place-Names of 6 Parishes in Caithness, Scotland’, unpublished PhD, University of Edinburgh, 1985 [Reay, Thurso, Olrig, Dunnet, Canisbay and Wick].

Waugh, Doreen, 2009, ‘Caithness: Another Dip in the Sweerag Well’, in Scandinavian Scotland – Twenty Years After, ed. Alex Woolf (St Andrews), 31–48.