compiled by Simon Taylor
Please contact the webmaster if you think there are any omissions to this list.
Crawford, Barbara E., 2006, ‘Houseby, Harray and Knarston in the West Mainland of Orkney. Toponymic indicators of administrative authority?’, in Names through the Looking Glass: Festschrift in Honour of Gillian Fellows-Jensen, edd. P. Gammeltoft & B. Jørgenson (C. A. Reitzels Forlag A/S, Copenhagen), 21-44.
Marwick, H. 1952, Orkney Farm-Names, (Kirkwall).
Marwick, H., 1970, The Place-Names of Birsay.
Sandnes, Berit, 2010, From Starafjall to Starling Hill: an investigation of the formation and development of Old Norse place-names in Orkney, e-book published by The Scottish Place-Name Society, available on-line (pdf file). [It includes an in-depth study of Norse place-names of the parishes of Evie, Rendall and Firth on the west mainland of Orkney; see also S. Taylor’s review in Northern Studies 39 (2005), 118-24; first published in Norwegian as Fra Starafjall til Starling Hill: Dannelse og utvikling av norrone stednavn pa Orknoyene, NTNU Trondheim, Norway, 2003.]
Thomson, William P. L., 2007, ‘The Orkney Papar-names’, in West Over Sea: Studies in Scandinavian Sea-Borne Expansion and Settlement before 1300, edd. B. Ballin Smith, S. Taylor and G. Williams (Brill: Leiden and Boston), 515-37.
Thomson, William P. L., 2008, Orkney Land and People (The Orcadian Limited, Kirkwall Press) [2 chapters specifically about place-names: Chapter 1: Orkney Farm-names; Chapter 13: The Place-names of the Crofter Pioneer Fringe]