Ross and Cromarty


compiled by Simon Taylor

Please contact the webmaster if you think there are any omissions to this list.


Crawford, B. E. 1995, Earl & Mormaer; Norse-Pictish Relationships in Northern Scotland, 1995 (Groam House Museum lecture publications, Rosemarkie).

Curtis, Liz, 2011, ‘Tarbat or Not Tarbat? Was there a Portage on the Tarbat Peninsula?’, Journal of Scottish Name Studies 5, 1–34.

Fraser, I. A., 1984, The Place-Names of Ross and Cromarty’, in The Ross and Cromarty Book, ed. D. Omand, 219-29.

Watson, W. J., 1904, Place-Names of Ross and Cromarty (reprinted in paperback 1996 by Highland Heritage Books, price £10.99).

Wentworth, R.G., 1998, Place-Names of Loch Maree Islands National Nature Reserve. Scottish Natural Heritage (?second edition or reprint 1999b).

Wentworth, R.G., 1999, Gaelic Place-Names of Beinn Eighe National Nature Reserve. Scottish Natural Heritage.