Western Isles


compiled by Simon Taylor

Please contact the webmaster if you think there are any omissions to this list.


Cox, Richard A. V., 2022, Ainmean Tuineachaidh Leòdhais/The Settlement Names of Lewis (Ceann Drochaid: Clann Tuirc). [Now out of print, however available online via this link: http://richardavcox.scot/RichardCoxFiles/2022AinmeanTuineachaidhLeodhaisTheSettlementNamesofLewis.pdf]

Cox, Richard A. V., 2002, 
The Gaelic Place-Names of Carloway, Isle of Lewis: Their Structure and Significance (Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies).

Fellows-Jensen, G., 1984, Viking Settlement in the Northern and Western Isles’, in The Northern and Western Isles in the Viking World, eds A. Fenton & H. Pálsson (Edinburgh), 148-68.

Fraser, I. A., 1976-8 Gaelic and Norse elements in coastal place names in the Western Isles’, Transactions of the Gaelic Society of Inverness 50, 237-55.

Jennings, A., 1994, An Historical Study of the Gael and Norse in Western Scotland from c.795 to c.1000′, unpublished PhD , University of Edinburgh.

King, Jacob, with Liam Crouse, 2019, Gaelic in the Landscape: the Place-Names of Eriskay/A’ Ghàidhlig air Aghaidh na Tìre Ainmean-àite Èirisgeigh (Scottish Natural Heritage and Ainmean-Àite na h-Alba). This booklet is the fifth in a series of place-names booklets AÀA have written for SNH. All five booklets are free and available as PDFs on Products (ainmean-aite.scot). Hard-copy of those booklets which are still in stock can be posted out at the cost of p & p only.

A celebration of Eriskay’s place-names | NatureScot

MacAulay, D., 1971-2 Studying the place names of Bernera’, Transactions of the Gaelic Society of Inverness 47, 313-37.

McKillop, D. (for John Ferguson), 1982-4 The place-names of Bernera’, Transactions of the Gaelic Society of Inverness 53, 115-64. Read after and alongside D. MacAulay’s 1971 article, this is instructive – the work of an amateur collector, there is much of folklore interest here, but linguistically and methodologically it has many problems. Comparing this with MacAulay’s article will give some insight into problems of methodology.

McKillop, D. 1988-90 Rocks, shoals and islands in the Sounds of Harris and Uist and around the Island of Berneray’, Transactions of the Gaelic Society of Inverness 56, 428-502.

Maclennan, J., 2001, Place-Names of Scarp (ed. C. J. Mackay) (no place of publication: (obtainable from Calum J. Mackay, 1 Ardhasaig, Harris HS3 3AJ: £6.00 + 60 p. p & p; cheques made payable to ‘Scarp Placenames’.)

Stahl, Anke Beate, 1999, ‘Place-Names of Barra in the Outer Hebrides’, unpublished Ph.D., University of Edinburgh [covers place-names in the whole Barra island group, i.e. all islands from Barra southwards].

Stahl, Anke-Beate, 2022, ‘Place-Names of Mingulay’, in Islands of Place and Space: A Festschrift in Honour of Arne Kruse, ed. Christian Cooijmans (Scottish Society for Northern Studies: Edinburgh), 177-207.http://richardavcox.scot/RichardCoxFiles/2022AinmeanTuineachaidhLeodhaisTheSettlementNamesofLewis.pdf