SPNS Online Conference November 2022

SPNS Autumn Conference 2022 – 5th November 2022 – Online, via Zoom

The Society’s Autumn Conference will take place ONLINE, via Zoom, on 5th November 2022.

The Conference is free to attend for registered members of the Scottish Place-Name Society.

Becoming a member is easy and affordable – it costs £7 a year or £18 for 3 years. Life membership is also available at a cost of £90. To join, please contact our treasurer, Peter Drummond, at gartsherriepete@gmail.com for details on how to pay via bank transfer.

If you are interested in presenting a paper at the Conference, please read the information at the bottom of the page.


The joining instructions for the Zoom meeting will become available in due course on a member-only page on this website. To access the Joining Instructions page, please click the green button below.

In order to be able to see the Joining Instructions, you will need to:

  • become a member of the Scottish Place-Name Society;
  • if you are already a member, register an account on this website, using the registration form below.

You only need to register once, and it takes less than a minute to do so. 

Once you have registered, we will confirm your membership and will grant you the relevant access rights. Thereafter, you will be able to log into your account at any time and access the Joining Instructions for any future online conferences. 

One of the main benefits of this new feature is that you will be able to access the joining instructions by logging into your account instead of having them sent via an e-mail. In the past, e-mails have regularly gone into SPAM folders, resulting in attendees not receiving their instructions, not realising this until the morning of the conference (or ever!), and, as a result, not being able to attend.

Note: if you are having issues with the registration process below, please e-mail web@spns.org.uk for assistance. 


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In line with the Society’s objectives to advance and encourage the study of Scotland’s place-names, the Committee is issuing a call for papers to fill the open lecture slots in the morning and afternoon sessions.

Timing for all presentations will be strictly limited to a maximum of 25 minutes, with a further 5 minutes allocated to questions and answers. Please bear this in mind when structuring your proposal.

Titles should be sent, along with an abstract of 150 words, to committee@spns.org.uk The deadline for submissions is 5th September 2022. The Committee will consider all applications and respond shortly thereafter.


10:10‘Place-Names with Anglo-Norman Personal-Names in the Medieval Parish of Bothwell, Lanarkshire’
Peter Drummond
10:40‘Drumalban, Lanarkshire’
Simon Taylor, The University of Glasgow
11:30‘Place-Names and Identity’
Phil Baarda, NatureScot
12:00‘The New Roy Military Survey Gazetteer’
Chris Fleet, NLS Map Library
14:00‘The Shieling Landscape of Stoer, Assynt’
Gemma Smith, The University of Glasgow
14:30‘Old Norse Shieling-Names in Scotland: Clues to Landscape Exploitation in the Viking Age’
Ryan Foster
15:00‘Links between bedrock geology and place-names: a case study of the element aoineadh’
Dr John MacDonald & Dr Alasdair C. Whyte, University of Glasgow